

The company has implemented and certified the Integrated Management System (ISM) according to the standards \u010cSN EN ISO 9001: 2016, \u010cSN EN ISO 14001: 2016 and \u010cSN ISO 45001: 2018 by STAVCERT Prague and \u010cSN EN ISO 50001: 2019 by ITC Zl\u00edn. The certification covers the design, manufacture and delivery of railway sleepers, reinforced concrete prefabrication, fresh concrete and assembly activities. The Company's basic obligations are defined in the ISM Policy.<\/p>\n

ISM is directly embedded in the structure of our joint stock company. The organizational rules firmly set out the duties and powers of the departments so that the requirements for quality assurance, environmental protection and occupational safety are guaranteed.<\/p>\n<\/div>

Conformity assessment<\/h1><\/div>

Conformity assessment of our products is governed by Act 22\/1997 Coll. \"On technical requirements for products\" (as amended), Government Decree No. 163\/2002 Coll. (as amended) and Regulation (EU) No 305\/2011 of the European Parliament and of the Council laying down technical requirements for construction products. When assessing the conformity of sleepers, we follow the European Directive for the interoperability of the rail system 2008\/57 \/ EC and the relevant technical specifications (TSIs). For specified construction products, the MLSA issues a declaration of conformity or a declaration of properties.<\/p>\n

Ing. Michal \u0160\u016fcha<\/div>\n
Integrated system manager<\/div>\n
Head of Quality Management Department<\/div>\n
\u017dPSV s.r.o.<\/div>\n