Bridge structures and frame culverts2019-04-17T09:46:31+02:00
Bridge structures and frame culverts

ŽPSV s.r.o. is a traditional supplier of frame structures of bridge structures and bridge girders for horizontal structures of bridge structures with a span of up to 40 m.
Deliveries are directed to both road and railway constructions.

The most important customers are ŘSD, SŽDC, SUS, transport companies, regions, municipalities and private investors.

The portfolio of bridge structures consists of:
- frame and semi-frame constructions of required dimensions intended for railway and road constructions, covering of watercourses
- bridge beams T, MK-T, I, VSTI reinforced concrete and prestressed
- reinforced concrete slab and prestressed bridge girders
- segments of footbridges and cyclists
- prefabricated arch and frame bridge systems ABM Mosty

We perform prestressing in advance and subsequently, or by a combination of both types of prestressing.

For our deliveries, we provide processing of production and technical documentation, transport of manufactured parts and their assembly. The latest knowledge from the field is used for the production of parts, including modern technological equipment of production plants. All deliveries meet the strictest requirements for construction investors. Only quality materials inspected and documented in accordance with applicable legislation are used for production.