Zákrytová deska A desén kostka2025-03-08T06:30:31+01:00
Cover plate A, pattern cube

Cover plate A, pattern cube

31 Doloplazy

Technical conditions of delivery

Declaration of Conformity

Cover plate A, pattern cube
TrademarkDimensions (cm)Concrete ClassVolume (m3)Weight (kg)
IZX 411/19177125166,7588C 35/45-XF40,3236825


It serves for covering of tram roads with gauge of 1,435 mm. The cover plate type A is intended for inside of railroad line, the cover plate type C is intended for laying between two or more railroad lines, the cover plates B and E are intended for laying outside of railroad line. They are suitable for all kinds of tram superstructures – combination of various sleepers, rails and fastenings. The cover plates D are intended for laying outside of railroad line and they serve as a drive-up curbstone in case of a raised body of tram roads. They are suitable for all kinds of tram superstructures – combination of various sleepers, rails and fastenings. The cover plates are designed for road load by motor-traffic according to ČSN 736114 and ČSN 730035, i.e. for axle load 110 kN.