Železobetonová trouba patková DN 12002024-10-27T06:30:29+01:00
Socket reinforced-concrete pipe DN 1200

Socket reinforced-concrete pipe DN 1200

07 Čerčany

Socket reinforced-concrete pipe DN 1200
TrademarkDimensions (cm)Concrete ClassVolume (m3)Weight (kg)
TZP 013-19110120101622121C 50/60-XF40,97002377


The reinforced concrete duckfoot tubes are intended for construction of single- and multi-hole culverts under trackbed and roadbed. They are designed according to standard ČSN 73 6203 for railway load given by the load train ČSD T, and road load given by class A. They are dimensioned for extra-banking height 0.55 up to 9 m (crack width 0.1 mm) and 0.55 up to 12 m (crack width 0.2 mm). They are reinforced by concrete reinforcement BSt 550, namely in two layers with double-sided reinforcement cover 40 mm thick. The reinforced concrete duckfoot tubes are provided with built-in rubber sealing for joining with groove and tongue. On the ground of earthing against dispersion current they are provided with earth terminal. The top load Vu amounts for DN 800 – 296.8 KN, DN 1000 – 373.4 KN, DN 1200 – 408.0 KN.
The inlet reinforced concrete duckfoot tubes differ from normal reinforced concrete duckfoot tubes only in that they have no socket and they are inserted on the inlet side into the culvert.