


The original enterprise was founded in Prague in the year 1952 under the name "The enterprise for quarries and gravel pits", where were besides big quarries
also small works of concrete mixing plants and quarries within the Czech regions and Slovakia included.

1966 – sleeper SB 4 ~ 1967 – sleeper SB 5 ~ 1971 – sleeper SB 6 ~ 1981 – sleeper SB 8 ~ 1990 – prodej závodu Čerčany ~ 16. dubna 1992 – došlo ke vzniku
privátní akciové společnosti ~ 1994 – pražec B 91 S ~ 1995 – pražec VPS, vyčlenění vlastněných lomů do samostatné společnosti ŽPSV Štěrkovny
a pískovny Uh. Ostroh ~ 1997 – získání certifikátu ČSN ISO 9002 ~ 2000 – pronájem lomu Litice, koupení závodu Čerčany, koupení závodu Litice
2001 – zakoupení lomu Litice ~ 2002 – vybudování výrobní linky předem předpjatých nostníků z lanobetonu v závodě Litice ~ 2003 – došlo ke vstupu
nového zahraničního strategického partnera – španělské skupiny Obrascón Huarte Lain S.A. ~ 2005 – pražec B 355.3 U60M pro PJD ~ 2007 – pražec B 03
2008 – pražec BV 08 2015 – pražec B 91 T a BC 12 ~ 2018 – došlo ke změně majoritního akcionáře společnosti – Leonhard Moll AG


The original enterprise was founded in Prague in the year 1952 under the name "The enterprise for quarries and gravel pits", where were besides big quarries also small works of concrete mixing plants and quarries within the Czech regions and Slovakia included.

The enterprise produced the first reinforced concrete sleepers, which became a company's bearing program, as late as in the year 1955. The company had experienced plenty of structural changes from its foundation and it has been known under the ŽPSV trade mark only since 1963.

Kamenolomy po převzetí od traťových distancí nedoznaly podstatnější modernizaci.

The original enterprise was founded in Prague in the year 1952 under the name "The enterprise for quarries and gravel pits", where were besides big quarries also small works of concrete mixing plants and quarries within the Czech regions and Slovakia included. The enterprise produced the first reinforced concrete sleepers, which became a company's bearing program, as late as in the year 1955. The company had experienced plenty of structural changes from its foundation and it has been known under the ŽPSV trade mark only since 1963.